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(1986) top 20 cm, peat soil ; 11.6% OC (from unpublished work) Average 57 1.75 Geometric Mean 53 1.72 Chrysene 218-01-9 DDD 72-54-8 45,800 4.66 Beroza et al. (1986) testaram os mentação ocorresse. Descartou-se o sobrenadante e o sedi- exames de flutuação e centrífugo-flutuação e afirmaram que mento foi colocado em um tubo cônico de 12 ml e centrifugado este último é 10 vezes mais sensível tendo demonstrado sen- a 3000 rpm por 5 minutos. Greiwe, A., Brechtken, R., Lösler, M. et al (2020) Erfassung der Hauptreflektordeformation eines Radioteleskops durch UAV-gestützte Nahbereichsphotogrammetrie Publikationen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung und Geoinformation N.B. When citing this work, cite the original published paper. 2021-04-13 · From Armijo et al., 1986. North of the chord, strike-slip faulting dominates over normal faulting, with rifts being localised at junctions between strike-slip segments and characterised by diffused distribution; south of the chord, a series of N-S–trending normal faults, organised in seven regularly spaced rift zones, display kilometric offsets. implant success laid down by Albrektsson et al.
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1997; Lindquist et al. 1997). Several clinical studies have shown that at Osseointegration. / Bränemark et al.1977, Adell et al.1981,. Albrektsson et al.
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The resistance of tensile stress was of the magnitude of 4 N/mm’ which is equivalent to the strength of trabecular bone. t he commonly accepted criteria for the assessment of implant success were proposed by Albrektsson and colleagues (Albrektsson et al., 1986), to identify clinical evidence of successful osseointegration and survival of implants. The use of commercially pure titanium as an implant material has been documented by Brånemark et al.,121 Albrektsson et al.,122 and Albrektsson.76 In clinical experiences it has been demonstrated that the implants were anchored in bone without intervening fibrous tissue, while the experimental data point to an osseointegration even at the The most widely used implant success criteria by Albrektsson, et al. (1986), also treats the year following implant placement as a critical timescale.
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av M Olsson · Citerat av 2 — vårtbjork, 2560 sek for hybridasp och 2910 sek for gran (Albrektsson, 1988). till uppkomsten av lateralt utbredda porer (Bullock et al., 1985; Olsson, 1986).
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1986 Bibinfo (this paper at ADS) Wilson, J.W., Miller, H.R., Africano, J.L., Goodrich, B.D., Mahaffey, C.T., Quigley, R.J., 1986, ApJSupp 66, 323-330. Lawler, 2009; Reid et al, 2008). Även sjuksköterskor anser att de inte har den kunskap som krävs, de förstår inte patienternas beteende och ifrågasätter om ett tillfrisknande är möjlig (Ramjan, 2004). TEORETISK REFERENSRAM Det vårdvetenskapliga synsättet utgör grunden i denna studie då det är patienten och hennes 2020-04-18 TY - JOUR AU - Cutler, Anne AU - Hawkins, John A. AU - Gilligan, Gary PY - 1986 DA - 1986// TI - The Suffixing Preference: a Processing Explanation JO - Linguistics SP - 723 EP - 758 VL - 23 ID - Cutler-et-al-1986 … Amycolatopsis lurida (Lechevalier et al.
Requirements Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 1986; 1 (1): 11–25. 5. Buser D, Mericske-Stern R, Bernard JP, Behneke A, Behneke N, Hirt HP et al. samhetsmål ska svenska tandläkare ha en hög kvalitativ Albrektsson T., et al., Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 1986;1(1):11-25.
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1986 - Unionpedia
38 : 5 . Based on Albrektsson et al., 1986 : … This landmark book offers new-found promise for routine treatment of edentulism with implants.
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et al. (2010) är dock en vanlig målsättning hos svenska skogsägare att ha 1800–2500 levande plantor hösten 1986; Plantering (maj 1987); 2-åriga täckrotsplantor (gran,); plantering i ”låg” Örlander G., Egnell G. and Albrektsson A. 1996.